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Bikini vs Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

[keytakeaways text=’Bikini and Brazilian laser hair removal are great options for women who are sick and tired of having to constantly shave and deal with pesky ingrown hairs and painful razor burn. It’s a quick and easy fix when compared with having to shave all the time and makes leaving the house in the summer a whole lot less of an ordeal.

But before you go ahead and book your first laser hair removal appointment, it’s important to do your research. It’s always a good idea to compare laser hair removal options so you can figure out if laser hair removal is the best choice for you. If you want to learn more about laser hair removal and what the process entails, check out our laser removal FAQs.

LivSmooth is a convenient laser hair removal provider that provides exceptional service at a great price. With LivSmooth, you’re guaranteed to get the best results, so you feel like your most confident self in your smooth, hairless skin.’]

The summer is a time to spend your days out in the sun, basking on the beach in your favorite bikini. But as great as the summer is, it also means you need to shave way more than you’re used to. And not only is shaving tedious, it can also leave you with painful razor bumps and ingrown hairs. But how else can you stay hairless in the summer? One option is through laser hair removal. 

There are two types of laser hair removal that women can get in their pubic region: Bikini vs Brazilian laser hair removal. But what’s the difference between the two?

Bikini hair removal focuses on the area outside of the panty line. A bikini laser hair removal treatment will typically cover up to three inches beyond this line. Brazilian laser hair removal removes even more hair than bikini hair removal, as it extends to the entire pubic region, including around the labia and perianal region.

Both options are great ways to remove hair in your pubic region and reduce how often you need to shave, but which to get is ultimately up to you and your personal preferences. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing more of the differences between bikini vs Brazilian laser hair removal, what the treatment process is, and more. Continue reading to learn more about laser hair removal, or use the links below to jump to a section of your choice.

What’s the Difference Between Bikini vs Brazilian Laser Hair Removal? 

First and foremost, let’s discuss the key differences between bikini vs Brazilian laser hair removal. It’s important to know these differences so that you can make an informed decision of which is the right choice for you.

Bikini laser hair removal

So, what is bikini line laser hair removal? Bikini laser hair removal is the removal of hair in the area right outside of the panty line. It essentially covers the crease of the thighs to the hipline, but it can also go up to three inches beyond this line. 

This ensures that no hair will be visible in any panties or bikinis that you wear. A bikini laser hair removal can also cover some areas that are underneath the underwear, like the sides of the labia and the top of the pubic region, but this is ultimately up to the client.

Brazilian laser hair removal

So now that you know what bikini laser hair removal is, you’re probably wondering: “What is Brazilian hair removal?”.

Brazilian laser hair removal is similar to bikini laser hair removal, but the Brazilian just removes a lot more hair. A Brazilian laser hair removal treatment covers the same areas that a bikini removal does, but it also covers the labia and perineal areas. 

Most women will either opt for a full Brazilian, which means the entire region is hairless, or a customized Brazilian, which leaves some hair in the public region, like with a landing strip. How little or how much hair to keep is up to the client.

Bikini vs Brazilian Hair Removal: Which Is Better? 

Once you have a good understanding of the differences between bikini vs. Brazilian hair removal, then you can make the decision of which is right for you. Both treatments are safe and the “better” option ultimately comes down to one’s personal preference. 

These are some important  factors you should think about when making a decision of which hair removal is best for you:

Consider your objective 

Think about what you ultimately want to get out of your laser hair removal. Do you want to shave less often? Do you want to avoid ingrown hairs and razor burn? Or, do you want your skin to be as smooth as possible? 

Brazilian hair removal will ultimately remove more hair, so it may be the better option if your goal is to have the most comprehensive hair removal treatment possible. But if you just want to avoid ingrown hairs and razor burn, and don’t really care about removing all of your pubic hair, then bikini laser hair removal  might be the better choice. Consider your objective and make a decision off that.

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Think about maintenance

One of the main benefits of laser hair removal is that it requires much less maintenance than other hair removal methods, like shaving or waxing. Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removal is a more permanent choice.

However, that does not mean there is no maintenance required with laser hair removal. You’ll still have to do some maintenance of your pubic hair, but it will be far less than shaving or waxing. Bikini laser hair removal will also require less maintenance than Brazilian laser hair removal, since it’s covering a much smaller portion of hair. So if maintenance really isn’t your thing, then bikini laser hair removal might be a better option for you.

Where are the hairs that are bothering you?

Sometimes women may be bothered by hairs around the pubic area or inner thigh, but they have a difficult time shaving around there because it’s hard to reach. In that case, laser hair removal may be a convenient option for long-term relief. 

When deciding between bikini vs Brazilian laser hair removal, think about where the hairs are that are bothering you. If you’re just concerned about the hairs around your panty line, then a bikini laser hair removal should suffice. But if you’re concerned about all of your pubic hair, then you might opt for a Brazilian. 

What’s the Treatment Process Like for Bikini and Brazilian Laser Hair Removal?

So, you’ve decided to get bikini or Brazilian laser hair removal. Great! Now comes the important part: getting ready for the procedure. There are a few steps you should follow to make sure your laser hair removal process goes as smoothly as possible, which we will discuss below. 

Prepare for laser pubic hair removal

Properly preparing for laser pubic hair removal is very important. The more you prepare, the better your results will be! Before your first laser hair removal appointment, make sure to:

  • Wear sunscreen on the treatment areas, as we can’t treat an existing sunburn but we can treat an established tan!
  • Avoid plucking, body hair waxing, depilatory creams, and bleaching the hair, as all of these prevent the laser from finding the hair bulb.
  • Shave the treatment area at least 24 hours before your laser treatment for hair. The laser finds the hair below the skin’s surface and external hair follicles can interfere with the process.

[graybanner title=”Did You Know?” text=”We tailor our hair removal treatments to your needs and can work with every type of skin and hair to give you the results you’ve always wanted” link=””]

Choose a laser hair removal clinic

You don’t want to waltz into any random hair removal clinic and make an appointment. Choosing a reliable hair removal clinic is essential to guarantee you get the best results possible. And if you’re in need of a reputable and high-quality hair removal clinic, check out LivSmooth.

LivSmooth is the best choice for easy, painless hair removal. All of our laser hair removal staff are certified Nurse Practitioners, so you’re always guaranteed the best care. Laser hair removal is also all we do, meaning we can focus solely on providing our clients with optimal results.

In addition to bikini and Brazilian laser hair removal, we offer laser hair treatment on other areas, including the legs, underarms, upper lip, and more. LivSmooth is one of the best laser hair removal options if you want expert care and flawless results. We also offer LivSmooth specials, so you can get the most bang for your buck when you book an appointment with us for your laser hair removal. 

Undergo Brazilian or Bikini Laser Hair Removal

In order to get the full effects of Brazilian or bikini laser hair removal, you’ll need to undergo a series of treatments. During the laser hair removal process, the nurse will apply ultrasound gel and glide the laser over your skin where you’ll feel a cooling sensation. The laser damages the hair follicles, which inhibits hair growth. A single laser treatment for hair can range from a few minutes for a small area to up to an hour for a large area.

Aftercare for laser pubic hair removal procedure

It’s crucial to take care of your skin after laser pubic hair removal to ensure your skin stays healthy and you get the best results. Usually, you won’t notice any differences in your skin after the procedure, but it’s possible to see a little bit of redness and irritation in the first few hours after. After the procedure, make sure you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily to protect the area from sun exposure.


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